Modern online and offline payments for Africa

Mekpay helps businesses in Africa get paid by anyone, anywhere in the world with Debit/Credit card.

A secured payment system for Mekly Integrated Service Limited

In pertnership with

Simple, easy payments

Building a business is hard. Getting paid shouldn't be.

Delight customers with a seamless payments experience

Give your customers the gift of modern, frictionless, painless payments. Install Mpay once and let your customers pay you however they want.

  • Multi-accounts
  • Account History
  • Airtime / Data bundles
  • Bank Transfer
  • Card payment
  • USD Card issuing
  • Naira conversion
  • Pay bills

Enjoy phenomenal transaction success rates

We automatically route payments through the most optimal channels, ensuring the highest transaction success rates in the market.

How it works

Mekpay is easy to use with a user friendly interface and a flow to get stated.

Sign in with
Account ID

already have an account with meklint, login with your account id or register at meklint to get your account id.

Create a
Security PIN

Create a security Pin to authenticate transactions and secure account

Add Card
and collect payment

Add your debit or credit card to make or collect card payment.
Enter amount to charge card, click on charge card to scan the card with the card scanner or manualy enter card details to charge card.

Protect yourself and your customers with advanced fraud detection

Mpay’s combination of automated and manual fraud systems protect you from fraudulent transactions and associated chargeback claims.

Detailed reporting for accounting, reconciliation, and audits

Understand your customers’ purchase patterns and do easy reconciliations with a robust data Dashboard and easy exports.

Powering growth for amazing businesses

Mpay is a growth engine for a new generation of innovative, forward-looking organizations operating in Africa.

Backed by strong global partners

Powered by Flutterwave

Mpay is backed by notable investors as well as some of the best payments companies on the planet.

Try Mpay Now

Start accepting payments in just 30 minutes


Flexible pricing. We charge a commision when you use our services to charge a card, recieve money, paybills or purchase airtime